This past Sunday we continued our study of "Outsiders" as Pastor David led us into Hebrews 13:14: "For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come." As a Christian we are not meant to act as the world around us, and we must continue to check our motivations, expectations, etc. Are your motivations fueled by the world's norms? Or through the Word and Holy Spirit? As we abide by His law we are to follow him fully, dropping all that may hold us back, all that we may believe that defines us because He is who defines us. In this, we are to live for Him today, while living for that Day when He returns.
Pastor David made a reference to the cheesy questions that people ask us: What drives you? What are your goals? Where do you see yourself in ten years? Etc. But the cheesy-est question that came to my mind: "How would you describe yourself in three words?" This question people often focus on their greatest qualities, but I have been convicted that I need to be transparent in my everyday life: In the flesh, I am a woman who is prone to worry, to plan, to seek security. In the flesh, I am a student who continues to worry, who has learned to plan my time (or plan too much), and is working toward the day that I will be my own security (through a simple piece of paper that is a diploma). But I am eternally grateful to my redeemer and savior, Jesus Christ that my flesh does not define me. My worries do not add a single hour to my life (Matthew6:27, Luke 12:25), His perfect time beats out any of my own plans for the future (Jeremiah 29:11), and His security is better than anything I could hope to achieve (Hebrews 13:6). So my answer does not include three words, just one: I am a Christian.
As Christians, my brothers and sisters, will you go with me outside of the city gates? We will not be alone, for God will be with us. What can man do to us? For as we live for Him today and however many days are to follow, we are called to live as aliens in this land (just as Abraham). We are not of this world, we are HIS.
-- Rachel Evans – C3 Student
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