Thursday, March 17, 2011

Student Sermon Reflections::Heb 13:15-16

This week we covered 3 sacrifices found in Hebrews 13:15-16. These sacrifices will emerge in the life of believers in response to the gospel in our lives. The first was praise to the Father and the author of Hebrews explains to us that this is done by “lips that acknowledge His name”. The second is not neglecting to do good. This is a bold and broad statement with no limits to who this good is to be done to/for. David then emphasized that our enemies are to be counter-culturally loved according to this and other verses (Matthew 5:43-45). The last sacrifice is sharing what we have with others. We were encouraged from this verse to not forget to love the stranger, knowing that it serves as a picture of what Christ did for us. Our love for these enemies and strangers in our lives will shine as proof that we belong to the One whose Son displayed perfect love for us (Romans 5:6). Before we began going over these three ways of sacrificing we acknowledged that our trust in his perfect Son gave us access, making our sacrifices worthy to bring to the Father. We closed by talking about how all of this is not only a response to the love of Jesus, but also because it pleases the Father. We should seek to run delightedly to do these things because of the love we have for our Shepherd who made us for himself.
In the sermon David asked us the question, “Would you still acknowledge his name considering your past week?” The week that I had leading up to spring break was a bit of a tough one. I didn’t suffer for the Lord in some big mighty way however trial “scraped up against my heart” and has caused me to look at the woman I am and allow the Lord to deal with my confusion, sin, and restless heart. A moment of honesty….I applied for a job back several months ago at a camp and I wanted it very badly. I got that lovely letter in the mail however that said I wasn’t going to be hired. It hurt and now my plans are looking quite different than expected. I am, however, beginning to see the Lord work and teach me through all of this, and believe it or not He extended grace and has allowed me to still love others and head forward in a limping sort of fashion despite this bump. I hope that as disappointments, trials and persecutions come, my faith grows and that these moments of confusion will only make me more and more excited for the city to come, knowing that only then will disappointments flee in an eternal way.
I think for me, application of this text involves evaluating my ways of sacrificing to the Father and the motives behind it all. The entire Outsiders Series has made me want to understand how I can better represent the Lord and what my life as an outsider should specifically look like. I can hope that as I learn to better sacrifice to the Lord according to the text that the world will see the blood of my Redeemer that makes any of it worthy and that the glory of my Father will be the ultimate outcome.

--Abby McQueary - C3 College Student

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