Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sermon Reflection::1John 4:7-12

David preached last Sunday on 1 John 4:7-12 which is about how we know love because God first loved us by sending His son to die for us, and a call for us to display that love to one another. This morning’s message was so good for me to hear. I was getting to a point that I felt, in a way, that the Lord had taught me all that He wanted to in the last month, but I was certainly wrong. I didn’t think that there was much else that I could learn from my situation. David talked about believers being known by their fruits and I had heard that 100 times. Every time I thought of all the decent things that I had been doing that was fruitful. This was the first time that it felt real though. I could apply it and feel like there is without a doubt fruit in my life. I don’t say this to discredit those times in my past, I still feel like my life was bearing fruit, but for some reason this really hit home. I can’t completely explain it without divulging every detail of my life in the last month so I will spare you, but I can tell you that the Lord is so good. He has been teaching me several things about trusting Him fully and not half-heartedly, fleeing from sin, and recognizing that a bond with another person in Christ is so much stronger than the everyday relationship. The sermon today helped to reinforce these things even more so.

The first point that we focused on was that we are to love one another because it is in God’s nature to love. I realized that I do not trust easily which comes from years of baggage that I have held onto but in the last month the Lord has been revealing this to me. He has been peeling away layers of armor that I used for so long to protect myself so that I could feel truly loved and cared for. He has used many of you (C3) to show me that love as well as other believing friends. I cannot begin to express how much I love my church family. Having brotherly love for each other is something that I can say I feel often from y’all. It is genuine and not selfish and that is so amazing. But what the Lord has been showing me is that the foundation of love is because of the love given to us from God. Love reflects our Creator; it is in His very nature to love. The Lord has been so good to continue teaching this to me because often times I fear rejection and I compare the love I receive now, that is good, to the love that I have received in the past. The difference is that (as David explained) it is the true love that flows from God. That true love has been shown to me through my church family and I am so thankful that the Lord revealed the barrier that I had so that I could feel His love for me. I praise God for this time in my life and I want to share the love of God with others. I want to bring glory to His name. I hope that I would be so filled by His love for me that it would overflow from me to reflect God’s love to others and convey the brotherly love that we are called to.

The second thing that I took away from the message this morning is that since love is God’s nature, and the ultimate form of love ever shown was Christ dying on the cross for sinners, God shows His love to me every day. That seems really simple but for me it was huge. When I consider my trial, and how difficult it is often, I feel God’s love for me. God has used times like this in my life to reveal more of His loving character to me. It is so loving for God to use hard times in our lives to reveal sin and draw us closer to Him. I would not have this any other way because I’ve learned so much. To the world it is strange to be so thankful for hardships, but I am. What the world doesn’t understand is that I have gained so much from it and that is why I wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel like a new person because I want to pursue holiness and flee from sin with a whole new passion that I didn’t have before. I am humbled by looking and seeing what the Lord has done in one month to reveal sin in my life and draw me closer to Him. I want to seek His kingdom and be fruitful with what I have because God loves me and sent His son to die the death that I deserved. I want to live a life that brings glory to God and run as fast as I can away from worldly desires. God uses trials not necessarily as a means for punishment of sin, rather to convey His love for us. How loving is it that God would use these times to bring light to sin so that we don’t continue to walk in sin? Praise God for trials because He shows His love for us.

--C3 Member - Lauren Bullard

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