This week, we returned to the study of Matthew that was begun when C3 first started. In chapter 16 now, Pastor David began with a recap, explaining the context leading up to our passage (v. 24-28). Here’s the rundown:
• Peter has proclaimed that Jesus is the Christ, God come to Earth to save mankind (16:16)
• Immediately after, Jesus begins to “show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things…and be killed, and on the third day be raised.” (v. 21)
• Peter takes Jesus aside and basically lets him know that this kind of talk is bad for morale (v. 22)
• Jesus chastises Peter and tells him that “You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” (v.23)
I am reminded of Colossians 3:2 which commands this very thing: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth.” What a challenge in today’s society! That has probably been one of the greatest ‘hindrances’ in my life to Christ doing his work. I allow so many things to get in the way of seeking first the kingdom of God (Matt. 6:33). Jesus goes into more detail in verses 24-28 of Matthew 16 with exactly what we should be doing instead of being ‘hindrances’ or ‘stumbling blocks’ to Christ - in short, losing our lives to seek His kingdom. Makes sense, right? If I am going to come earnestly to seek God and his righteousness, I have to give up everything else. Nothing else matters enough to take the place of that. So, taking all that into account, David posed the question “How are you doing at following Jesus in imitating the life that He led?” which is one of total devotion and sacrifice for the gospel. How am I doing? Horribly. But God gives me mercy to try again today. Lord willing, He will give me mercy to try again tomorrow too. I’m starting by looking at how I live and seeing what things I spend most of my time doing. From there, I have to decide what to do about the things that have no kingdom seeking significance and either find ways to turn them into gospel motivated things or eliminate them from the picture. If I am to live life like Jesus, I can’t let anything get in the way of that. Not homework, my boyfriend, my family, my artwork, or even my everyday necessities. If my mind is on things that only pertain to my little life on this earth, my mind is not in the right place.
-- Heather Bowshier - C3 Student